Mac will work with both parties to find a custom solution tailored to fit the specific needs of you and your family.
Mac Gallegos Mediation focuses on the future rather than honing in on the past issues. Through open and honest conversation, Mac’s goal is to move your case forward in the best way for all involved without having to wait months for a court date or pay the legal fees.
Mac’s Virtual Mediation style is efficient and effective. It allows each party to feel comfortable opening up to share their greatest needs so that he can assess the situation and give all the possible avenues to reach an agreement.
“To practice the process of conflict resolution, we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want.” -Marshall B. Rosenberg
Offering Mediation Services In
Property settlement · Division of assets and debt
Allocation of parental responsibilities
Custody · Parenting time agreements
Child Support
Establishment or modification of child support
Civil Litigation
Landlord/tenant disputes · Civil lawsuits